Monday, April 11, 2016

April 11-15

Lower School Parents,

Our Book Fair is just around the corner and we are in need of a few more volunteers. 

The book fair will be in the lower school library next week  
April 18 - 22.  We will be open from 8:00 - 3:00 each day.  This year's book fair theme is "Feelin’ Groovy" - it’s filled with tie-dye, flowers and peace signs.

Below is a link to the volunteer sign up sheet.  If anyone is able to help during one or more of these timeframes, it would be greatly appreciated!  Usually, during the first part of the week (Monday – Wednesday), volunteering entails helping the children prepare their  “wish list” to take home.  The second half of the week is spent helping the kids find books, checking them out at the registers and on Friday, packing up the book fair.  The timeframes shown on the sign up sheet seem to work well to allow people to eat lunch, etc, but please don't hesitate to sign up  because the whole timeframe doesn't work for you - just let me know when you can be there.
If you have any questions or prefer not to sign up using the link, please don't hesitate to email, text or call me.

Thanks so much,
Stephanie Fennell

GWA Youth Football
Fall 2016
Registration April 18th - 19th
2:30 – 4:00
GWA School Cafeteria
$35.00 Registration Fee

Grade Divisions

Midget - K5 to 2nd Grade – The Midget division will be for grades K5 to 2nd grade.  This group will play flag football for the 2016 season.  We hope to field 2 to 3 teams in this division.  GWAYF would like to encourage participation in the flag football program.  We will need parent volunteers for coaching and team mom for each team.  Please do not hesitate to contact GWAYF with questions. 
Junior – 3rd and 4th Grade – This group will play in the tackle division of the MVP Youth Football League.    
Senior - 5th and 6th Grade – This group will play in the tackle division of the MVP Youth Football League.   

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions.

Sean Ellerbee