Bulldog Pride!!!!
WOW parents!
Way to step up and show your pride in GWA.
We beat our goal by $17,000.00 on the first turn in day!!
We've been rewarded with a dress code free day on Friday.
Here are the guidelines:
· Blue Jeans (No sweat pants or pajama
· Tee Shirts (no offensive words)
· Skirts, dresses, shorts that meet
dress code length
· Hoodies
· Shoes of any style
No camouflage or tank tops
No camouflage or tank tops
Have fun!
Let's keep it up for the remainder of our campaign. The sky's the limit!!!
Bulldogs give 100%
We can meet our goal!!
- Today is our FIRST turn in day for the TechKnowledge Campaign.
- We will send out tickets later this week for the spin and win that will be held on Friday.
- Our second turn in day will be NEXT Monday so keep up the good work for GWA!