Friday, November 7, 2014

ITBS is over!!

We are ITBS tired!!

Monday, November 3, 2014

Loyalty Fund

2014-2015 Annual Loyalty Fund Kicks Off Next Week
GWA's most important fundraiser is headed up by an awesome team of volunteers!  They will be calling on you soon to ask for your contribution.
Why do we need your support?
If you have ever researched tuitions for a school of our size in the Atlanta area (not supported by a church), you will quickly realize that our tuition is, by far, one of the lowest in the area.  The average tuition for a school of our caliber is $12,000+.
The cost per student for a public school education is over $10,000.  That is on par with what GWA parents pay for tuition, yet we expect a far more exceptional program for our children.
The tuition dollars you pay do not cover our operating expenses.
How do we maintain our level of excellence and plan for future enhancements? It takes our Annual Loyalty Fund to do it!
The Annual Loyalty Fund allows GWA to:
·       Attract and retain the best teachers.
·       Provide support staff such as school nurses and security.
·       Offer enrichment programs such as field trips and guest speakers.
·       Maintain electronic databases and programs in our Media Centers.
·       Maintain our facilities (some of our buildings are 40 years old) and our 53-acre campus.
·       Continue upgrades to technology infrastructure to support curriculum.
Why your support is vital:
Support of the Loyalty Fund helps keep tuition affordable.

It opens the door for additional funding.  The Annual Loyalty Fund report is attached to grant applications.  Grant organizations consider the percentage of parental support when determining grant awards.